Schmiedegesellenhaus at Mendlingtal

Schmiedegesellenhaus at the Mendlingtal, Austria

At the theme park Mendlingtal they former building for the young blacksmiths (Schmiedegesellen) serves as museum now. Inside one can learn about the life of the blacksmiths, woodcutters and the owners of the hammer mills named Hammerherren. More…


Ruhr Museum in Essen

Inside the Ruhr Museum in Essen, Germany

The Ruhr Museum is placed in the former coal preparation plant at the Zeche Zollverein. On several floors, it tells not only the story of the Zeche (coal mine) but also shows the history of the Ruhr area (Ruhrgebiet).


Ottoneum in Kassel

Ottoneum in Kassel, Germany

One my walk along the venues of the dOCUMENTA (13) I also came across the Museum of Natural History also known as Ottoneum. Outside I was impressed by its lovely architecture. Inside it was big fun to walk through a natural history collection which was one of the first to be established in all of Europe.


Museums near railway stations

Schloss Belvedere in Vienna, Austria

As I love to travel by train and to visit museums it is no question that a museum next to a railway station would me make happy. More…


The use of the old letters ‘Südbahnhof’

The use of the old letters 'Südbahnhof'

Interesting way to save the letters of the demolished railway station Wien SÜDBAHNHOF. In October 2011 I saw the letters placed above the entrance of the Wien Museum. I wonder how many visitors had realized that the museum is lettered like a railway station? More…
