Fun presents in Nuremberg

Presents from Nuremberg, Germany

Fun presents found at my hotel room. A box of Lebkuchen and the artist Albrecht Dürer as toy figurine. Actually Nuremberg is for both pretty famous. By the way a big exhibition with the works of the young Dürer will open on May 24th. A good reason to go back to Nuremberg soon.


A gondolier in Nuremberg

Gondola at the Pegnitz in Nuremberg, Germany

While my visit at Nuremberg I was told there is one man with a licence for a gondola. After some hours watching the river in the middle of the city I was able to catch him on a photo. The building in the background is named ‘Heilig-Geist-Spital’. During medieval times it was used as a home for old and sick people. More…
