The emblems of Nuremberg

Emblems of Nuremberg, Germany

And now some history:On the left side the great emblem (Große Wappen) and on the right side the minor emblem (Kleine Wappen) of Nuremberg. The left one is generally used by administrative bodies whereas the minor one is used by some companies too.


Bread store in Nuremberg

Bread store in Nuremberg, Germany

I had known Nuremberg is famous for its Lebkuchen but I was surprised how many sorts of bread this bread store (Feinkost Nikolaus Schwarz) is offering. Amazing how different the outer crusts and the crumbles of each loaf look like. And yes, I always love a good piece of bread. What about you?


Chörlein of St Sebaldus in Nuremberg

Chörlein of St Sebaldus in Nuremberg, Germany

In Nuremberg one can often see architectural elements looking like a secular bay but actually they are the choirs of private chapels named Chörlein. Probably the most beautiful Chörlein I saw at the presbytery of St. Sebaldus Church (St. Sebald)


Fun presents in Nuremberg

Presents from Nuremberg, Germany

Fun presents found at my hotel room. A box of Lebkuchen and the artist Albrecht Dürer as toy figurine. Actually Nuremberg is for both pretty famous. By the way a big exhibition with the works of the young Dürer will open on May 24th. A good reason to go back to Nuremberg soon.
