Sundials in Austria

Sundial in Mistelbach, Austria

After leaving the railway station Mistelbach/Stadt I came across one of my first sundials in Austria. The piece placed on a private home in Lower Austria shows local agricultural products like corn and grapes. The German phrase ‘’Nuetz die Zeit!’ reminds people to use their time carefully.


Sundial in Tamsweg

Sundial at the parish church of Tamsweg, Austria

This sundial, located at the parish church of Tamsweg depicts James, son of Zebedee (Jakobus der Ältere) who is the patron of this church. Tamsweg is the largest town of the Lungau region in the Austrian state of Salzburg.


Sundial at Festung Hohensalzburg

Sundial at Hohensalzburg Fortress in Salzburg, Austria

This sundial is situated at the St George’s Chapel of Hohensalzburg Fortress (Festung Hohensalzburg). It shows the emblems of the Archbishopric of Salzburg and Archbishop Matthäus Lang von Wellenburg. The original sundial was created in the 16th century but today one can see a kind of reconstruction built in 2001.
